报告人:Prof. Frieder Jäkle
Department of Chemistry
Rutgers University-Newark,US
讲座题目:New Functional Materials Derived from Organoboron Building Blocks
讲座地点:海燕策略社区论坛曲江校区 西一楼A306
Since the early work by H. C. Brown on their use a versatile reagents in organic synthesis, organoboranes have emerged as an important class of functional materials with applications ranging from catalysis to small molecule activation, sensing of anions and biologically relevant species, molecular switches, and even organic electronic materials.
In this presentation I will outline some of our recent efforts on the incorporation of boron into well-defined oligomers and polymers, with a view on exploring new applications in the field of materials chemistry. The presence of electron-deficient tricoordinate borane moieties in conjugated materials gives rise to unique optical and electronic characteristics that can be exploited in anion detection and organic electronic applications. Moreover, the selective replacement of “BN” for “CC” units in organic polymers gives rise to functional molecules with properties that are distinctly different from those of thee all-carbon analogs. Finally, I will demonstrate how the self-assembly of organoboron block copolymers can be exploited in sensory applications and stimuli-responsive materials.
邀请人:何刚 材料化学中心