报告人:Christopher S. Lynch 教授
美国 加利福尼亚大学洛杉矶分校
讲座题目:Mechanical properties, reliability, and failure in ferroelectric materials
讲座地点:海燕策略社区论坛曲江校区 西一楼A306
Professor Lynch’s research is focused on fabrication, characterization, and modeling of multiferroic materials. He is currently the modeling thrust leader of the NSF-TANMS NERC. His modeling work includes the development of micromechanics coupled to electric field, phase field modeling, and micromagnetics modeling.
He served as the director of the Master of Science Online Program and currently serves as Chair of the Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering. He served as the chairman of the Adaptive Structures and Material Systems of ASME, as Chair of the Aerospace Division Executive Committee of ASME, as founder and general chair of the ASME conference on Smart Materials Adaptive Structures and Material Systems (SMASIS), and as general chair of the SPIE Smart Structure conference (2014-2015). He is currently the Editor-in-Chief of the journal Smart Materials and Structures. He is a Fellow of both ASME and SPIE and is the recipient of the ASME Adaptive Structures Prize, and the SPIE Smart Structures Lifetime Achievement Award.
邀请人:杨耀东 多学科材料研究中心