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Prof. Xiangfeng Duan学术报告信息

来源:      发布时间:2011-10-17     点击量:

  应前沿科学技术研究院应用化学研究中心主任郑智平教授邀请,来自美国加州大学洛杉矶分校(University of California, Los Angeles)的生物化学领域的Xiangfeng Duan教授将于10月20日来我校访问,并将于10月21日下午三点在主楼D406面向全校师生做学术报告,欢迎广大师生届时参加。 



学术报告人:Prof. Xiangfeng Duan (CV) Assistant Professor Department ofChemistryand Biochemistry/California NanoSystems Institute University of California, Los Angeles 90095

学术报告题目:"Rational Design and Nanoscale Integration of Multifunctional Nanostructures"

摘要:Our research involves rational design and synthesis of highly complex nanostructures with precisely controlled chemical composition, physical morphology and dimension; fundamental investigation of the novel electronic, optical and magnetic properties and exploration of new technological opportunities arising in these nanostructures. In particular, we place a strong emphasis on nanoscale integration of dissimilar materials with distinct compositions, structures and properties to create novel material systems with unique functions and/or unprecedented performance to break the boundaries of traditional technologies. In this seminar, I will first give a brief overview of various topics we have been exploring with nanoscale heterostructures, and then I will focus my discussion on the heterointegration of graphene with a variety of nano and molecular scale structures of designed architectures to open up a wide range of opportunities in high speed electronics, multi-color detection, band gap engineering, molecular sensing and catalysis.







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