报告人:Prof. Kenichiro Itami
Nagoya University,Japan
讲座题目:C-H activation exploring nanocarbon materials and plant biology
地 点:前沿院西二楼 A102,曲江校区
时 间:2016年6月14日(星期二),上午10:00
We are synthetic chemists trying to develop “problem-solving” innovative functio-nal molecules (“transformative molecules”) that make a marked change in the form and nature of science and technology. With such ultimate goal in mind, our work has cent-ered on catalyst-enabling synthetic chemistry with broad directions.We belong to the Department of Chemistry, Graduate School of Science, Nagoya University, consisting of about 45 people,including Prof. Itami, associate/assistant professors, secretaries, po-stdocs, graduate/undergraduate students,technicians and researchers from companies. Our synthetic chemistry is also an essential component of the Institute of Transformative Bio-Molecules (ITbM) and JST-ERATO Itami Molecular Nanocarbon Project.
官方微信:西安交大前沿院FIST 官方微博:海燕策略社区论坛前沿院FIST
QQ: 西安交大前沿院招生群 297824086 招生邮箱: fist-student@mail.xjtu.edu.cn
联系电话:朱老师 029-83395043(统考生) 高老师 029-83395077(推免生)