报告人:Prof. Matthias Beller
Academician of the German academy of sciences
Director of the Leibniz-Institut für Katalyse e.V.
讲座题目:Replacing Ruthenium, Rhodium, Iridium by Iron, Cobalt, and Nickel:Teaching Non-Noble Metal Catalysts to behave like Noble Ones
讲座地点:海燕策略社区论坛曲江校区 西二楼A102
Matthias Beller is Academician of the German academy of sciences. In 1987, Matthias Beller was graduated in the Study of chemistry at Georg-August-Universität, Göttingen. After that Matthias Beller began his Ph.D. studies at the Institute for Organic Chemistry at Georg-August-Universität, Göttingen with Prof. Dr. L. F. Tietze. Upon graduating in 1990, Beller moved to the Massachussetts Institute of Technology (USA) as Postdoctoral Fellow to work with Prof. Dr. K. B. Sharpless, who was the Nobel Prize Winner. Since 2005, Matthias Beller is the director of the Leibniz-Institut für Katalyse e.V. (LIKAT)
Prof. Matthias Beller is focus on the field of chemical catalysis (included homogeneous and heterogeneous catalysis). He is interested in new energy development, industrial synthesis of chemicals, advances in organic catalysis and so on. Until now, Matthias Beller published near 900 publications on Science, Nature, Nature Chemistry, J. Am. Chem. Soc., Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. …… and apply for more than 100 patents. Matthias Beller cooperate with famous chemical enterprises such as, EVONIC, BASF in long term and has been realized many scientific research achievements in the industrial application.
Matthias Beller is the Member of many Editorial Advisory Board for journals and the Chairman of the Editorial Boards of “ChemSusChem (since Jan. 2008) ”