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【前沿讲坛】Cell出版集团Dr. Vjekoslav Dekaris讲座信息

来源:      发布时间:2018-10-15     点击量:

座题目: Publishing in Chem and Cell Press

报告人:Dr. Vjekoslav Dekaris

      Scientific Editor at Chem

地点:西二楼 A102,曲江校区




Chem is a sister journal to Cell, providing a home for seminal and insightful research and showcasing how fundamental studies in chemistry and its sub-disciplines may help in finding potential solutions to the global challenges of tomorrow. In this presentation, first I will introduce the editorial team and talk about Cell Press in general and Chem’s specific aims and scope. Next, it will be shown how Chem fits in the chemistry publishing landscape and distinguishes itself from competitors. After reflecting on Chem’s progress in the first two years, in particular the crucial role of the support of the Chinese chemistry community for the journal’s excellent development, the presentation will conclude with tips for manuscript preparation/submission and an insight into the editorial decision-making as well as peer-review process at Chem and Cell Press.



Vjekoslav Dekaris is Scientific Editor at Chem from Cell Press, responsible for handling organic chemistry and chemical biology manuscripts. He earned a PhD degree in organic chemistry at Freie Universität Berlin, Germany, in the Reissig Laboratory in 2009, working on the stereoselective syntheses of carbohydrate mimetics. After completing his PhD program, he moved to the United States for postdoctoral studies in chemical biology at the City University of New York in the Bittman Laboratory and Princeton University in the Fiedler Laboratory. He returned to Germany in 2012 to join Elsevier’s Frankfurt office as Database Content Specialist for Reaxys, helping to develop the platform and ensure content quality. In 2016, he joined Cell Press as one of the founding editors of Chem, based in Cambridge, MA, USA.







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