Green, Sustainable and Energy Catalysis Research Group Principal Investigator: Prof. Dr. Yang Li 我们小组的研究将以“致力于创新和应用的完美结合”为指导思想,围绕着发展高效的脱氢和加氢的均相催化体系,展开三个研究方向: 无氧化剂存在下通过过渡金属催化活化碳氢键而进行的交叉偶联反应;非贵金属催化的加氢体系在生物质转化方面的应用;无外加还原剂存在下通过渡金属和光催化而进行的光解水制氢反应。各个研究方向将互相渗透,相互促进。 Our research will be guided by the motto of “Novelty + Application = Admirable”. We will focus on the development of highly efficient homogenous catalytic system for dehydrogenation and hydrogenation in three research directions: oxidant-free transition-metal-catalyzed cross coupling reaction via hydrogen release; non-precious transition-metal-catalyzed hydrogenation in biomass transformation; photo‐ and transition metal catalyzed H2 generation from H2O without sacrificial electro donors. They are closely related and promote each other. 