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李洋 研究员

来源:| 作者:admin| 发布时间:2019-11-22| 浏览:

Dr. Yang Li 
Frontier Institute of Science and Technology (FIST)
Xi’an Jiaotong University, Xi’an 710054, China
Tel/Fax: (+86)-29-8339-5138
E-mail: liyang79@mail.xjtu.edu.cn


李洋,2006年博士毕业于兰州大学,期间师从曹小平教授主要从事海洋天然产物Malyngamide U的全合成研究。20067月加入上海药明康德新药开发有限公司,从事药物活性分子的合成研究。20095月加入北京大学施章杰教授课题组做博士后,期间主要从事碳氢键对醛和亚胺类化合物的加成反应以及吲哚类化合物的碳氢键活化研究。20121月以高级洪堡学者身份加入德国莱布尼茨催化研究所Matthias Beller院士课题组,期间主要从事能源化学-生物质制氢的研究。20145月加入海燕策略社区论坛,目前的研究兴趣主要集中在发展高效的脱氢和加氢的催化体系应用于脱氢偶联,生物质制氢和贮氢材料。


Research   & work experience:


Group   Leader I


Center for Organic Chemistry, Frontier Institute of Science and Technology

(FIST),   Xi’an Jiaotong University (XJTU), Xi’an, China

Leibniz   Fellowship


Leibniz-Institut   für Katalyse e.V. an der Universität Rostock ,

Germany   (Supervisor: Professor Matthias Beller)

Experienced   Humboldt Fellowship


Leibniz-Institut   für Katalyse e.V. an der Universität Rostock Germany

(Supervisor:   Professor Matthias Beller)

Postdoctoral   Fellow


College   of Chemistry & Molecular Engineering, Peking University,

 Beijing,   China (Supervisor: Professor Zhang Jie Shi)

Research   Group Leader

WuXi   PharmaTech Co., Ltd. Shanghai, China




Ph.D. (09/2001–07/2006)

State Key Laboratory of Applied Organic Chemistry,
College of Chemistry andChemical Engineering, Lanzhou University,
Lanzhou, China (Supervisor: Professor Xiao-Ping Cao)


B. Sc. (09/1997–07/2001) 

Department of Chemistry, Baoji University of Arts and Sciences, Baoji, China


Research   concept:   Novelty+Application=Admirable


Research   interest : Green, Sustainable and Energy Catalysis


Projects   undertaken:


1.   Project of National Science Foundation of China (NSFC21472145): Oxidant-free Transition-metal-catalyzed Cross 

Coupling Reaction via C-H Bonds Activation

2.   Youth Program of National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC 21002001): Transition Metal Catalyzed sp2

C-H Bonds Addition to Aldehydes

3.   The 48th China Postdoctoral Science Foundation: Transition Metal Catalyzed sp2 C-H bonds Addition to Imines

4.   The 4th Special China Postdoctoral Science Foundation: Mechanistic Understanding of Rh-Catalyzed N-Sulfonylaldimines

Insertion to Aryl C-H Bonds


Representative publications:

1. Nat. Commun. 2020, 11, 6126, Tan, F.-F.; He, X.-Y.; Tian, W.-F.; Li, Y.*, “Visible-light Photoredox-Catalyzed C–O Bond Cleavage of Diaryl Ethers by Acridinium Photocatalysts at Room Temperature”.

2. Nat. Catal. 2018, 1, 332-338, Zhang, P.; Guo, Y.-J.; Chen, J.; Zhao, Y.-R.; Chang, J.; Junge, H, Beller, M.*, Li, Y.*, “Streamlined Hydrogen Production from Biomass”.

3. Angew. Chem. Int. Ed, 2017, 56, 13809-13813, Wang, S.-F.; Cao, X.-P. *; Li, Y. *, “An Efficient Aryl Migration from an Aryl Ether to Ester Ether by Visible-Light Photoredox Catalysis”.

4.  Angew. Chem. Int. Ed, 2017, 56, 3080-3084, He, K.-H.; Tan, F.-F.; Zhou, C.-Z.; Zhou, G.-J.; Yang, X.-L.; Li, Y.*, “Acceptorless Dehydrogenation of N-Heterocycles by Merging Visible-Light Photoredox Catalysis and Cobalt Catalysis".

5. Org. Lett. 2016, 18, 2840, He, K.-H.; Zhang, W.-D.; Yang, M.-Y.; Tang, K.-L.; Qu, M.; Ding, Y.-S.; Li, Y.* "Redox-Divergent Hydrogen-Retentive or Hydrogen-Releasing Synthesis of 3,4-Dihydroisoquinolines or Isoquinolines".

6. ChemSusChem, 2015, 8, 804, Li, Y.; Sponholz, P.; Nielsen, M.; Junge, H.; Beller, M. “A Molecular-defined Iridium Catalyst for Direct Hydrogen Production from Monosaccharides, Disaccharide, Cellulose and  Lignocellulose”,

7.  ChemSusChem, 2014, 7, 2788, He, K-H.; Li, Y.*, “Oxidant-Free Dehydrogenative Coupling Reactions via Hydrogen Evolution”.

8.  Chem. Commun. 2014, 50, 14991, Li, Y.; Li, H.; Junge, H.; Beller, M. “Selective Ruthenium-catalyzed Methylation of 2-Arylethanols using Methanol as C1 Feedstock”.

9.  Chem. Commun. 2013, 49, 2628, Li, Y.; Wu, L.; Neumann, H.; Beller, M. “Copper-catalyzed Trifluoromethylation of Aryl- and Vinylboronic Acids with Generation of CF3-radicals” (ESI highly cited paper).

10.  Org. Lett. 2012, 14, 4498, Li, Y.; Zhang, X.-S.; Zhu, Q.-L.; Shi, Z.-J. “Olefinic C–H Bond Addition to Aryl Aldehyde and Its N-Sulfonylimine via Rh Catalysis”.

11.  Organometallics 2012, 31, 4397, Li, Y.; Wang, W.-H.; He, K.-H.; Shi, Z.-J. “Mechanistic Insight into the Regioselective Palladation of Indole Derivatives: Tetranuclear Indolyl Palladacycles with High C2−Pd or C3−Pd Bond Selectivity”.

12.  Chem. Sci. 2012, 3, 1634, Li, Y.; Zhang, X.-S.; Li, H.; Wang, W.-H.; Chen, K.; Li, B.-J.; Shi, Z.-J. “Mechanistic Understanding of Rh-Catalyzed N-Sulfonylaldimine Insertion to Aryl C-H Bonds” (ESI highly cited paper).

13.  Org. Lett. 2012, 14, 636, Li, Y.; Zhang, X.-S.; Chen, K.; He, K.-H.; Pan, F.; Li, B.-J.; Shi, Z.-J. “N-Directing Group Assisted Rhodium-Catalyzed Aryl C-H Addition to Aryl Aldehydes” (ESI highly cited paper).

14.  Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2011, 50, 2115, Li, Y.; Li, B.-J.; Wang, W.-H.; Huang, W.-P.; Zhang, X.-S.; Chen. K.; Shi, Z.-J. “Rhodium-Catalyzed Direct Addition of Aryl C-H Bonds to N-Sulfonyl Aldimines” (ESI highly cited paper).

15.  J. Org. Chem. 2007, 72, 2344, Li, Y.; Feng, J.-P.; Wang, W.-H.; Chen, J.; Cao, X.-P. “Total Synthesis and Correct Absolute Configuration of Malyngamide U” (most-accessed article for the full year of 2007).

For a full list of publications, please see Researcher ID: http://www.researcherid.com/rid/L-3844-2013





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